Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Praising to the Almighty Allah who is the Creator of this whole creation of the Universe and peace and blessing be upon the prophet Muhammad and His Associates, We like to thank you very much for your kind interest to search information about us and our activities regarding Manpower supply from Bangladesh. We feel a great proudness for M/S Rashid International Company having years to years of experience in providence of Manpower at appropriate placement for the position of skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled field in abroad with the well satisfaction of the employers.
We have been keenly observing for the last several years that there has been a growing and increasing demand of skilled and unskilled work force particularly in the Gulf country’s Saudi Arabia and Malaysia as well as because of their industrialization and national development activities. Regarding the above factor the employers of these countries now looking for a hard laborer’s traditional country, like Bangladesh, Because, Bangladesh, workers either skilled or unskilled are dedicated to their work by hard labour, maintaining obedience to the owner by honesty and religious afraidness.
The employers generally prefer an organization who is fully professional for their jobs by experience and efficiency. Considering this matter, M/S Rashid International Company is like this one professional and efficient organization who always try its best to keep a good relation with the employer’s firm by accurate placement of Manpower as the employer’s demand M/S Rashid International Company is fully equipped with all kind of modern communication facilities with a group of highly professional and dedicated executives and supporting staff who are always keen and render their best service’s for the greater interest of overseas Employers- M/S Rashid International Company always try its best to supply the Manpower as early as the employer’s demand. In the selection period of the worker or technician, we always think that employer is present here to choose their candidate though the employer is present here to choose their candidate though the employer is not present here.
For this why, we like to assure our all well-wishers and clients as our slogan M/S Rashid International Company assurance of Solid & Swift Service, And motto is our first success job will bring the next job.
Considering the whole circumstances, M/S Rashid International Company got License from The Ministry of Labour & Manpower Development of Bangladesh Government to recruit Manpower from Bangladesh to abroad. For this why, we are always alert to keep our goodwill with most satisfaction of our valuable clients and to safe our existence in the competitive International Market So we are highly hopeful and will be grateful if you would remember us for your any kind of Manpower service from Bangladesh.
Honesty & Sincerity is the only Capital of our Business.
Wishing your best success with the mercy of Almighty Allah.
Thanking you for an anticipation.
Mr. Mohammad Humayan Ur- Rashid

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Bangladesh is a land of about 15 core people, in one word it s a land of Manpower.
Manpower of different sorts namely Doctors, Engineers, Teachers, Nurses, Garments worker’s male & female both, carpenters, Electricians of different Categories, skilled and unskilled different types of labors, Frankly speaking almost all sorts of manpower is available in Bangladesh. Manpower is cheapest but worthy in Bangladesh. Manpower from Bangladesh are soft and gently in dealing, They are hand working with very less demand Infect, these salient features of the manpower in Bangladesh, has earned enough applause from the different sport of people of the whole.
We are today one of the leading suppliers of manpower to Malaysia, and Soudi Arabia. We have passed full 10 years in this honest effort of supplying worthy manpower to different countries. And we have passed these 10 years with entire honesty and purity in all senses. We have whole heartedly tried to send worthy workers to work well in the respective countries and thereby fetched laborious and lawful foreign exchange. For our country, Manpower, wotrhy manpower supplying today and for all the time is on industrial project. Its on industry that is needed for the overall economic development of the country. At the same time we have become able to create a very goodwill among these countries and above all a valued brotherhood. They are today our brotherly countries, those will always come forward in time of our necessity and viceverse So in the name of manpower supplying we become able to creat manifold opportunities among all these countries.
Bangladesh has friendship to all the time to come. As much Bangladesh can do for any country of the would, it has always gone forward. Our motto is to live altogether making a congenial atmosphere in the would. Men are for men. Without man anther man is completely failure in all senses. So Bangladesh is for all and are for Bangladesh with this spirit Bangladesh always goes forward.
Henceforth its our demand to all to try will us next give our Bangladesh the chance to fulfill your demand up to your entire satisfaction and those to be with us for all the time to come to fulfill your genuine demand within the shortest possible time but with the highest skilled manpower. We are for all and let all be for us.
Md. Habib Reza
Managing Partner